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"Q 0/-]/@-@A/P !A" P !A"P !A" //G-XXP`pH0Pj0EQ @ /@T:G/ԫ@-@/fdisk_command_create cmd != ((void *)0)command.ctȠ -%c, --%-23.23s %s d delete a BSD partition l list known filesystem typesm m print this menu n add a new BSD partition p print the BSD partition table r return to the main menuu u change display/entry unitsw w write disklabel to disk a toggle bootable flagb b edit bsd disklabel d delete a partition l list known partition types n add a new partition o create a new empty DOS partition table p print the partition tableq q quit without saving changes s create a new empty Sun disklabel t change a partition's system idv v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only)Number of sectorsNumber of headsNumber of cylinders Disk %s: %lld %s, %lld bytes GBMB%lld heads, %lld sectors/track, %lld cylinders, total %lld sectors Units = sectors of %d * %d = %d bytes %lld heads, %lld sectors/track, %lld cylinders Units = cylinders of %lld * %d = %s bytes # startblocksid%s %10s %11s %11s %4s %7s DeviceBootStartEndBlocksIdSystem%s %s %10s %11s %11s %4s %7s %c: %2$-*1$.*1$s * %10lld %11lld %11lld %*x %s %slinux-swap82Linux Swap / Solaris%4s %21s a5Free/Net/OpenBSD%4s %17s primary83Linux%4s %6s extended5Extended%4s %9s dvhsunmsdosPartitionNew beginning of dataValue out of range.Partition copy faileddon't move the beginning of the partitionplace it at the beginning of the free space before itplace it at the endselect custom start and endYou can't resize this filesystem type.We can't resize this filesystem typeNo filesystem detected on the partition.Place for the resized partitionResize of the partition failedPartition move failedChanging display/entry units to sectorsChanging display/entry units to cylindersext2Partition typeFile system typeDo you want to create the filesystem on the partition?System types for this disk label type are not available. %2x %-15.15s Disk %s: %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID %d,%d,%d%2d %02x%4d%4d%8d%4d%4d%8d%11lld%11lld %02x WARNING: System types for this disk label type seem unavailable, continue?%xUnknownChanged type of partition %d to %x (%s) Hex code (type L to list codes)Editing a BSD label, before writing the msdos partition table is not supported in GNU fdisk.There is a BSD partition on the disk but it seems to contain a filesystem. This is going to destroy it. Are you sure you want to continue?There is a BSD partition on the disk, but there is no BSD disklabel on it. Do you want to create one?There was an error opening the *BSD partition on %s. Reading disklabel of %s at sector %lld. bsdThere is no *BSD partition on %s. %s... %0.f%% (time left %.2ld:%.2ld)/usr/share/locale, dynamic memory allocation failureUnable to open %s v move a partition c rescue a lost partitionz z resize a partition and its file systemh h check the consistency of a partition o copy the partition over another partition k creates a filesystem on a partition b move beginning of data in a partition c change number of cylinders e list extended partitionsf f fix partition order g create an IRIX (SGI) partition table h change number of heads s change number of sectors/trackYou should reinstall your boot loader before rebooting. Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more information.Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary. Writing all changes to %s. There is no partition %d on %s %lld 0x%03X: %02hhXRaw printing on %s not supported Device: %s lfdiskCommand actionhelpdisplays this help messagelistlist partition table(s)raw-printshow the raw data in the partition table(s)show partition sizelinux-fdiskenable Linux fdisk compatibility modegnu-fdiskdisable Linux fdisk compatibility modeinteractivewhere necessary, prompts for user interventionscriptnever prompts for user interventionsector-unitsuse sectors instead of cylinder as a default unitsector-sizespecify the sector size in bytescilyndresspecify the number of cylinders, actually does nothingheadsin lfdisk, specify the number of heads of the diskin lfdisk, specify the number of sectors per tracklist-partition-typesdisplays a list of supported partition typesversiondisplays the versionFLAG is one of: UNIT is one of: LABEL-TYPE is one of: FS-TYPE is one of: The partition must have one of the following FS-TYPEs: hlipvLGs:utb:C:H:S:rNUMBER is the partition number used by Linux. On MS-DOS disk labels, the primary partitions number from 1 to 4, logical partitions from 5 onwards. START and END are disk locations, such as 4GB or 10%. Negative values count from the end of the disk. For example, -1s specifies exactly the last sector. %-15sopencreate,%scheckcopyresizePartition %i does not end on cylinder boundary.Total allocated sectors %lld greater than the maximum %lld%lld unallocated sectorsPartition %s is being used. You must unmount it before you modify it.WARNING: This writes all data to disk, continue?+%127sFirst cylinderLast cilynder or +size or +sizeMB or +sizeKB or +size%Last cylinder or +size or +sizeMB or +sizeKBFirst sectorLast sector or +size or +sizeMB or +sizeKB or +size%Last sector or +size or +sizeMB or +sizeKBEnd or +sizeWARNING: This writes all data to disk automatically, continue?searching for file systemsA %s %s partition was found at %s -> %s. Do you want to add it to the partition table?Expecting a file system type.Unknown file system type "%s".partedExpecting a flag.Unknown flag "%s".Expecting a disk label type.Partition(s) on %s are being used.New disk label type%s number (1-%d)Expecting a partition number.Partition doesn't exist.Flag to changeNew stateThe extended partition is not empty. Deleting it will delete any partitions inside it. Do you want to continue?Partition nameFile systemThe partition is too small to create %s filesystem on it.The partition is too big to create %s filesystem on itSize (min %s, max %s)Size%s is an invalid partition sizeSource deviceSource partitionCan't copy an extended partition.Destination partitionFixing partition order on %s partition label type not implemented.Fixing partition order is experimental. Use at your own risk.Can't move an extended partition.Can't move a partition onto itself. Try using resize, perhaps?Couldn't run the partition copylogicalCan't create any more partitions.Expecting a partition type.An extended partition cannot hold a file system.You requested a partition from %s to %s. The closest location we can manage is %s to %s. Is this still acceptable to you?The size of the partition is too small for %s filesystemThe size of the partition is too big for %s filesystem%sp%d%s%dApple_EmptyXENIX rootXENIX usrSmall FAT16HPFS/NTFSAIXAIX bootableOS/2 boot mgrFAT32FAT32 LBAFAT16 LBAExtended LBAOPUSHidden FAT12Compaq diagHidd Sm FAT16Hidd FAT16Hidd HPFS/NTFSAST SmartSleepHidd FAT32Hidd FAT32 LBAHidd FAT16 LBANEC DOSPlan 9PMagic recoveryVenix 80286PPC PReP BootSFSQNX4.xQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.x 3rd partOnTrack DMOnTrackDM6 Aux1CP/MOnTrackDM6 Aux3OnTrack DM6EZ DriveGolden BowPriam EdiskSpeedStorGNU HURD/SysVNetware 286Netware 386DiskSec MltBootPC/IXMinix <1.4aMinix >1.4bLinux swapOS/2 hidden C:Linux extendedNTFS volume setLinux plaintextLinux LVMAmoebaAmoeba BBTBSD/OSThinkpad hibFreeBSDOpenBSDNeXTSTEPDarwin UFSNetBSDDarwin bootBSDI fsBSDI swapBoot Wizard HidSolaris bootSolarisDRDOS/2 FAT12DRDOS/2 smFAT16DRDOS/2 FAT16SyrinxNon-FS dataCP/M / CTOSDell UtilityBootItDOS accessDOS R/OBeOS fsGPTEFI FATLnx/PA-RISC btDOS secondaryLnx RAID autoLANstepXENIX BBTUnusedSwapVersion 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEight Edition4.2BSDMS-DOS4.4LFSHPFSISO-9660ADOSHFSAdvFSSunOS rootSunOS swapSunOS usrWhole diskSunOS standSunOS varSunOS homeError during translation%s: %s %s%doffUsing %s '"/[(default ): %c %s %c %slogical (5 or over)primary partition (1-4)%lldyesnocoYou found a bug in GNU Fdisk. This may have been fixed in the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/parted/ Please check this version prior to bug reporting. If this has not been fixed yet or if you don't know how to check, please email: bug-parted@gnu.org or (preferably) file a bug report at: http://parted.alioth.debian.org/bugs/ Your report should contain the version of this release (%s) along with the error message below, the output of parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print and additional information about your setup you consider important. 1.2.4Expert command (m for help)Filesystem (m for help)BSD disklabel command (m for help)Usage: fdisk [OPTION]... [DEVICE]Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel. You must create a disk label first! %31sWhat type of disk label would you create (q to quit)? [ %s] *** Invalid label! Command (m for help):OPTIONs: %s TERMcan't get `TERM' environment variable. Please specify a terminal type int the `TERM' environment variable. %s termcap error: terminal `%s' is not defined in your terminal database, please update it. %s termcap error: could not access terminal database please check yor termcap library. GNU Fdisk 1.2.4(lĴ   >   $ D8H8o,, p9PԦ@oDooĤP844444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444hlȝrԝsL HGT|ipu(b4XCdHS؟ t$Tv\; ̪ت ܪ   ,4DP`l|$9<ȫ@ثABMNOP Q,R<SDTTU`Vl\xacdepuȬЬܬ$4@HT\lt|̭ܭ(4DLX`hltDP\ht4ȮԮ     $ 08<A+aeabi!ARM9TDMI .shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.ARM.attributes 44HH !hh$84o> ,, F,, NoĤ$[oDD&Pj &@s Ԧ&P |$$,w44, @@4   ,*p8(@@8D8D8H8H8L8L8P8P8 p9p9(<(<TA|Alp|A,A